Maximize The Value Of Your Practice Before you Sell

Maximize The Value Of Your Practice Before you Sell

Understanding Your Practice’s True Worth Many doctors underestimate their business’s worth. They don’t take the right steps before putting it on the market. Your practice isn’t just patients and office equipment. It’s a business with real, measurable value. The better you position it, the more attractive it becomes to buyers. You can take time to…

Ultrasound machine setup in a clinic room, ready for patient examination.
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Selling Medical Equipment: What You Need to Know

The medical equipment industry is thriving. It provides tools that save lives and improve patient care. Selling medical equipment means dealing with many rules, licenses, and legal duties. This can feel complex and overwhelming.  Regulatory Requirements One of the first things to consider when selling medical equipment is regulatory compliance. In the United States, the…

Close-up of a calculator and pen on a bar graph, representing finance and accounting.
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Tax and Legal Factors in Selling a Medical Practice

Selling a medical practice is a big decision. It has complex tax and legal issues. As with any business deal, careful planning and expert advice are vital. They ensure a smooth process and the best financial results. Knowing the tax rules and legal details can help. It will let physicians and practice owners navigate this…